The Dirty Protest

Dear change maker,

I write to you as you are in a position of power and influence to help change the devastating state of our ocean and contributing waterways, brought on by sewage and wastewater pollution. The threats are clear:

  • Over 40% of the world’s population lack access to safely managed sanitation services.

  • 80% of the world’s wastewater is discharged without treatment to surface waters.

  • 55% of coral reefs and 88% of seagrass are exposed to wastewater pollution, making them more vulnerable to climate change.

This amounts to billions and billions of liters of unfiltered shit suffocating our ecosystems and killing marine species like coral, and seagrasses.

But that is not all; pollution also causes serious illnesses from beach time, water sports and eating seafood.  

Sewage and wastewater do not care about borders. They do not care about promises of future action. That’s why I’ve joined The Dirty Protest, an international collaboration to eliminate sewage and wastewater pollution. 

I demand an end to sewage entering our ocean and waterways. 

I demand action now: Please increase investments in technology, new filtering systems, new infrastructure. Bring legislation and codes into the present - and make sure the bill is not just passed on to private individuals like myself.   

Please take responsibility. More importantly, take action.

Kind Regards,